Posted 2007. 5. 10. 09:30, Filed under: Study/Computer ScienceA CLSID is a globally unique identifier that identifies a COM class object. If your server or container allows linking to its embedded objects, you need to register a CLSID for each supported class of objects.
The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes key corresponds to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key, which was retained for compatibility with earlier versions of COM.
The CLSID key contains information used by the default COM handler to return information about a class when it is in the running state.
To obtain a CLSID for your application, you can use the UUIDGEN.EXE found in the \TOOLs directory of the COM Toolkit, or use CoCreateGuid.
The CLSID is a 128-bit number, spelled in hex, within a pair of braces.
CLSID 는 유일값으로 CLSID를 이용해 레지스트리에 등록되는 악성 코드 PE 파일의 경우, 내부 문자열에 CLSID가 있을 경우에 해당 클래스 아이디를 구글에서 검색해보면 관련된 정보가 얻을 수 있다.